Rectangular spiral packing
Rectangular spiral packing

With appropriate elastic wire wound on the rectangular section of the pyramid tool. Marine packer packing and triangular spiral ring packing improved. The packi...


Metal bulk packing

With appropriate elastic wire wound on the rectangular section of the pyramid tool. Marine packer packing and triangular spiral ring packing improved. The packing is in eight or nine star shape, the surface is rougher than the Nautical pike packing, the number of ridges and grooves is more than the triangular spiral circle, the capillary performance is better than the above two kinds of silk winding pile material, which is conducive to liquid film formation. It has the best performance for enriching 15N isotope in no-HNO3 chemical exchange system.

In & lt; In a 30 mm packing experimental tower, the hydrodynamic properties of DN50 filament wound rectangular spiral ring packing were measured and the hydrodynamic properties of the packing were obtained. On the basis of Bain-Hougen and Leva models, the correlation equations of packing fluid flooding gas velocity and packing laminar pressure drop including system properties and packing characteristic parameters were obtained by using experimental data. By using the experimental data of hydrodynamics, the calculated values of the correlation formula are compared with the measured ones, and they are in good agreement. The maximum absolute relative error is less than 10%. The results can be used to calculate the hydrodynamic properties of other types of packing in the same series, and can also be used as the packing.

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